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      자신의 PC에 145개의 OS를 설치한 괴짜가 있네요. ^^
      글쓴이 : 멀티     날짜 : 07-12-15 15:30     조회 : 43007    
      태그 : linux,145linux,리눅스 (3805)

    엄청난 내공과 인내의 산실인것 같네요. ^^

    리눅스 배포판의 종류가 이만큼 많다는 증명의 글이 될수도 있겠네요.

    fdisk에서 파티션 테이블이 60개 까지밖에 출력이 안되는군요.

    CPU는 AMD 3200+ 이고 램은 1024M, 하드는 맥스터 200기가 2개랍니다.

    여하튼 멋진 내공입니다.


    Author's notes - This thread has picked up some interest from the Internet by readers who commented the title without reading its content. For this reason I summarize the information briefly as follow:-

    (1) A simple howto procedure, which is applicable from 1 to 300+ systems, is described. (Let me know if there is anything simpler or easier)
    (2) One standard Linux boot loader controls all the systems. (indirectly becasue every system has its own original boot loader preserved)
    (3) The controlling boot loader is not attached to any operating system (This is my own choice. Grub can be attached to any OS, even in ntfs partition as work around available).
    (4) 3 Dos, 5 Windows, 137 Linux (more Linux since added plus one Solaris and 2 BSD) using 3 Pata and 2 Sata hard disks) (The number is limited by the availability of partitions/hard disks)
    (5) Every system is booted identically and universally by the same 3 lines of commands. No need to worry what OS it is. (using the exactly the method every Linux boots a Windows but on all other systems)
    (6) The 145-system booting menu can be created ahead of the installation of the systems. (I believe this has not been tried before)
    (7) A nested Grub menu system is showed (Showned in Post #32 to #34. This probably has not been tried before)

    Although not indicated by the thread these points should be obvious to experienced PC users

    (a) The described procedure is applicable to any boot loader. (Grub happens to be the easiest while the others may have various limitations or take too long or too much work to achieve the similar goal).
    (b) Everything is standard, no new thing invented, no hacking involved and the technology has been there all the time (Anyone can do it. I am just the one who is willing to write about it)
    (c) The arrangement makes every system suitable for booting manually, say by a Grub floppy or booted by any other boot loader(Every system is self sufficient with its own boot loader inside the boot sector of the residing partition)

    How to install and boot 145 operating systems in a PC

    The 145 systems are:-

    3 Dos
    5 Windows
    137 Linux

    I have also installed most of the PC-based BSD and Solaris together with a Darwin x86 too but these systems dislike to co-exist with a large number of other systems so I have to keep them off in another PC until I find a way to tackle the technical issues. (edited : latest arrangement in Post #32, #33 and #34)

    There are only 3 steps in this howto.

    Step 1 – A simple hardware scheme

    An operating system needs to reside in a home. That is a partition to me. I used 2x300Gb Pata disk and 2x200 Sata Disk to set up 152 partitions. I always put one operating system in one partition. As an extended partition of each hard disk has no storage of its own, one data-only partition is needed for my personal data, another data-only partition to house the common boot loader and one Swap partition is needed for all the Linux I ended up losing 7 partitions leaving 145 partitions to house the 145 operating systems.

    Step 2 – A simple boot scheme

    I put Grub in a data-only partition, created a boot menu to boot all the partitions before any of the operating systems was installed. When a partition is filled the system inside becomes bootable instantly. This scheme is dead simple, technically sound, perfectly applicable is every situation but can be viewed unconventional to some PC users. For those who know nothing about Grub it is just one of the two boot loaders commonly used in Linux. The other one is called Lilo possibly used by less than 40% of the Linux distros at the begining of 2007.

    In a nutshell I use this Grub to boot up the boot loader of any of the 145 systems that I choose to use. Afterward it is the duty of the second boot loader that brings up its master.

    Step 3 – A simple installation scheme

    It is really simple. I just installed each system inside a single partition. For MS systems there is more work as I had to install each as a stand alone system so that it always boot to a “C” drive. I then moved the disks with the MS systems to the final position and edit Grub's menu file to boot it back to a “C” drive status.

    My scheme depends every system having a boot loader inside its root partition. This is inherent in every MS systems and other operating systems that rely on booting from a bootable primary partition. For Linux it is an optional choice.

    Hardware used

    The PC is a self-assembled unit using the cheap components available. Nothing to write home about. Just average for an ordinary PC user say 5 years behind the latest technology as this is all I can afford.

    Motherboard : Asrock 939NF4G-SATA2
    CPU : AMD 939 64 +3200
    Ram :1025Mb
    Video : Onboard integrated NV44 graphics DX9.0 VGA
    Hard disk 2x300Gb Maxtor 133/Mb/s Pata Diamond Max 10
    2x200Gb 150Mb/s Sata-I Maxtor Diamond Maxline III
    Sound card : SoundBlaster 5.1
    Network card : Generic Realtek 8139 10/100 Entrnet
    Keyboard : Generic PS/2 keyboard
    Mouse : Generic PS/2 mouse

    Essential tools

    (1) A bootable Grub floppy or a bootable Grub CD.

    (2) A Linux Live CD. Ideally one that has Grub inside.

    (3) A Dos 6 or above bootable floppy with fdisk.exe inside

    (4) A Win2k or XP installation CD

    For the production of the Item (1) above and how to use the rest see the last link of my signature.

    Partition tables

    Here is the details of the partitioning scheme as output by “fdisk-l” Linux command.

    Warning: omitting partitions after #60.
    They will be deleted if you save this partition table.

    Disk /dev/hda: 300.0 GB, 300090728448 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 36483 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/hda1   *           1         122      979933+  16  Hidden FAT16
    /dev/hda2             123         244      979965   16  Hidden FAT16
    /dev/hda3             245         366      979965   16  Hidden FAT16
    /dev/hda4             367       36483   290109802+   5  Extended
    /dev/hda5             367         609     1951866   82  Linux swap
    /dev/hda6             610        1217     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda7            1218        1825     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda8            1826        2433     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda9            2434        3041     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda10           3042        3649     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda11           3650        4257     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda12           4258        4865     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda13           4866        5473     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda14           5474        6081     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda15           6082        6689     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda16           6690        7297     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda17           7298        7905     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda18           7906        8513     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda19           8514        9121     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda20           9122        9729     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda21           9730       10337     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda22          10338       10945     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda23          10946       11553     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda24          11554       12161     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda25          12162       12769     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda26          12770       13377     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda27          13378       13985     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda28          13986       14593     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda29          14594       15201     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda30          15202       15809     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda31          15810       16417     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda32          16418       17025     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda33          17026       17633     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda34          17634       18241     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda35          18242       18849     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda36          18850       19457     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda37          19458       20065     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda38          20066       20673     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda39          20674       21281     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda40          21282       21889     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda41          21890       22497     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda42          22498       23105     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda43          23106       23713     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda44          23714       24321     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda45          24322       24929     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda46          24930       25537     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda47          25538       26145     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda48          26146       26753     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda49          26754       27361     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda50          27362       27969     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda51          27970       28577     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda52          28578       29185     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda53          29186       29793     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda54          29794       30401     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda55          30402       31009     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda56          31010       31617     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda57          31618       32833     9767488+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda58          32834       34049     9767488+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda59          34050       34657     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hda60          34658       35265     4883728+  83  Linux

    Disk /dev/hdc: 300.0 GB, 300090728448 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 36483 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/hdc1               1         122      979933+  16  Hidden FAT16
    /dev/hdc2             123         730     4883760   1c  Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA)
    /dev/hdc3             731        3162    19535040   17  Hidden HPFS/NTFS
    /dev/hdc4            3163       36483   267650932+   5  Extended

    /dev/hdc5            3163        3770     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc6            3771        4378     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc7            4379        4986     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc8            4987        5594     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc9            5595        6202     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc10           6203        6810     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc11           6811        7418     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc12           7419        8026     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc13           8027        8634     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc14           8635        9242     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc15           9243        9850     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc16           9851       10458     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc17          10459       11066     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc18          11067       11674     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc19          11675       12282     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc20          12283       12890     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc21          12891       13498     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc22          13499       14106     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc23          14107       14714     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc24          14715       15322     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc25          15323       15930     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc26          15931       16538     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc27          16539       17146     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc28          17147       17754     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc29          17755       18362     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc30          18363       18970     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc31          18971       19578     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc32          19579       20186     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc33          20187       20794     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc34          20795       21402     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc35          21403       22010     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc36          22011       22618     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc37          22619       23226     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc38          23227       23834     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc39          23835       24442     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc40          24443       25050     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc41          25051       25658     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc42          25659       26266     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc43          26267       26874     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc44          26875       27482     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc45          27483       28090     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc46          28091       28698     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc47          28699       29306     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc48          29307       29914     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc49          29915       30522     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc50          30523       31130     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc51          31131       31738     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc52          31739       32346     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc53          32347       32954     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc54          32955       33562     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc55          33563       34170     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc56          34171       34778     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc57          34779       35386     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc58  *       35387       35994     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/hdc59          35995       36483     3927861   83  Linux

    Disk /dev/sda: 203.9 GB, 203928109056 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 24792 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sda1   *           1        5099    40957686    7  HPFS/NTFS
    /dev/sda2            5100        6315     9767520   83  Linux
    /dev/sda3            6316        6923     4883760   83  Linux
    /dev/sda4            6924       24792   143532742+   5  Extended
    /dev/sda5            6924        7531     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/sda6            7532        8139     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/sda7            8140        8747     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/sda8            8748        9355     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/sda9            9356        9963     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/sda10           9964       10571     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/sda11          10572       11179     4883728+  a9  NetBSD
    /dev/sda12          11180       11787     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/sda13  *       11788       12395     4883728+  83  Linux
    /dev/sda14          12396       23916    92542401    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
    /dev/sda15          23917       24792     7036438+  83  Linux

    Disk /dev/sdb: 203.9 GB, 203928109056 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 24792 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sdb1   *           1        1216     9767488+   7  HPFS/NTFS
    /dev/sdb2            1217        1338      979965   1b  Hidden W95 FAT32
    /dev/sdb3            1339        1460      979965   83  Linux
    /dev/sdb4            1461       24792   187414290    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
    /dev/sdb5            1461        2676     9767488+  83  Linux
    /dev/sdb6            2677        3892     9767488+  83  Linux
    /dev/sdb7            3893        6324    19535008+  83  Linux
    /dev/sdb8            6325        8756    19535008+  83  Linux
    /dev/sdb9            8757       11188    19535008+  83  Linux
    /dev/sdb10          11189       13620    19535008+  83  Linux
    /dev/sdb11          13621       16052    19535008+  83  Linux
    /dev/sdb12          16053       18484    19535008+  83  Linux
    /dev/sdb13          18485       20916    19535008+  83  Linux
    /dev/sdb14          20917       23348    19535008+  83  Linux
    /dev/sdb15          23349       24792    11598898+  83  Linux

    My hda has partitions hda61, hda62 and hda63 but they are not shown by fdisk program.

    아래는 Grub 목록

    #Grub menu booting 3 Dos, 5 Windows & 100+ Linux----------------------------
    color white/green black/light-gray
    title You are now booting from hda3 data-only partition

    title        DOS 6.22 (FAT16) @ hda1
    root         (hd0,0)
    unhide       (hd0,0)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Win 3.11 @ hda2
    root         (hd0,1)
    hide         (hd0,0)
    unhide       (hd0,1)
    chainloader  +1

    #hda3 is the data-only partition hosting Grub to boot all other systems

    #hda4 is the extended partition

    #hda5 is the common swap partition for all Linux

    title        Puppy 1.0.6 @ hda6
    root         (hd0,5)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Videolinux 2.0 @ hda7
    root         (hd0,6)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Mandrake 9.2 @ hda8
    root         (hd0,7)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Turbo Linux V7 @ hda9
    root         (hd0,8)
    chainloader  +1

    title        elive 0.3 @ hda10
    root         (hd0,9)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Red Hat 9 @ hda11
    root         (hd0,10)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Lycoris 4 @ hda12
    root         (hd0,11)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Libranet 2.8.1 @ hda13
    root         (hd0,12)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Mandrake 10 @ hda14
    root         (hd0,13)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Debian Woody 3.0 @ hda15
    root         (hd0,14)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Yoper 2.0.0 @ hda16
    root         (hd0,15)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Knoppix 3.6 @ hda17
    root         (hd0,16)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Buffalo 1.5 @ hda18
    root         (hd0,17)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Kanotix 9.2004 @ hda19
    root         (hd0,18)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Kalango 3.2 @ hda20
    root         (hd0,19)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Blag 30001 @ hda21
    root         (hd0,20)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Fedora Core 4 @ hda22
    root         (hd0,21)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Debian Sarge @ hda23
    root         (hd0,22)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Red Flag 4.1 @ hda24
    root         (hd0,23)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Linare Ed 2 @ hda25
    root         (hd0,24)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Tiny Sofa 2.0 @ hda26
    root         (hd0,25)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Slackware 10 @ hda27
    root         (hd0,26)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Xandros 201 @ hda28
    root         (hd0,27)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Vine 3.2 @ hda29
    root         (hd0,28)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Specifix 0.15 @ hda30
    root         (hd0,29)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Ubunto 5.04 @ hda31
    root         (hd0,30)
    chainloader  +1

    title        PCLinuxos 0.91 @ hda32
    root         (hd0,31)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Asian Linux 2.0 @ hda33
    root         (hd0,32)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Ubuntu 6.04 Dapper @ hda34
    root         (hd0,33)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Wolvix 1.0.4 @ hda35
    root         (hd0,34)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Mepis 3.4.2 RC2 @ hda36
    root         (hd0,35)
    chainloader  +1

    title        DreamLinux 1.0 @ hda37
    root         (hd0,36)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Slampp 1.1 @ hda38
    root         (hd0,37)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Slax 5.0.6 @ hda39
    root         (hd0,38)
    chainloader  +1

    title        PCLinuxos 0.92 @ hda40
    root         (hd0,39)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Netsecl 2.0 @ hda41
    root         (hd0,40)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Vector 5.1 @ hda42
    root         (hd0,41)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Suse 10 @ hda43
    root         (hd0,42)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Kororaa 2005 Beta 2 @ hda44
    root         (hd0,43)
    chainloader  +1

    title        smgl 0.95 @ hda45
    root         (hd0,44)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Lunar 1.6 rc3  @ hda46
    root         (hd0,45)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Foresight 0.93 @ hda47
    root         (hd0,46)
    chainloader  +1

    title        SkoleLinux Sarge @ hda48
    root         (hd0,47)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Nepalinux 1.0 @ hda49
    root         (hd0,48)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Klax 3.5 @ hda50
    root         (hd0,49)
    chainloader  +1

    title        SciLinux 2005 @ hda51
    root         (hd0,50)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Progeny 2.0 @ hda52
    root         (hd0,51)
    chainloader  +1

    title        grml 0.6 @ hda53
    root         (hd0,52)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Karamad 1.4.2 @ hda54
    root         (hd0,53)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Whax 3.0 @ hda55
    root         (hd0,54)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Troppix 1.2 @ hda56
    root         (hd0,55)
    chainloader  +1

    title        TopologLinux 6.0 @ hda57
    root         (hd0,56)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Haansoft 2006 WS @ hda58
    root         (hd0,57)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Fedora Core 3 @ hda59
    root         (hd0,58)
    chainloader  +1

    title        ScientificLinux 4.0 @ hda60
    root         (hd0,59)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Slynux 2.0 @ hda61
    root         (hd0,60)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Slax 5.1.8 @ hda62
    root         (hd0,61)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Elive 2 @ hda63
    root         (hd0,62)
    chainloader  +1

    #Starting point of another hard disk----------------------------

    title        DOS 7.1 @ hdc1
    root         (hd1,0)
    hide         (hd0,0)
    hide         (hd0,1)
    hide         (hd0,2)
    unhide       (hd1,0)
    map          (hd1)       (hd0)
    map          (hd0)       (hd1)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Win98 @ hdc2
    root         (hd1,1)
    hide         (hd0,0)
    hide         (hd0,1)
    hide         (hd0,2)
    hide         (hd1,0)
    unhide       (hd1,1)
    map          (hd1)       (hd0)
    map          (hd0)       (hd1)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Vista @ hdc3
    root         (hd1,2)
    hide         (hd0,0)
    hide         (hd0,1)
    hide         (hd0,2)
    hide         (hd1,0)
    hide         (hd1,1)
    unhide       (hd1,2)
    map          (hd1)       (hd0)
    map          (hd0)       (hd1)
    chainloader  +1

    #hdc4 is the extended partition

    title        B2D Pure KDE 2005 @ hdc5
    root         (hd1,4)
    chainloader  +1

    title        CollegeLInux @ hdc6
    root         (hd1,5)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Berry 0.76 @ hdc7
    root         (hd1,6)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Morphix 0.4 @ hdc8
    root         (hd1,7)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Feather 0.74 @ hdc9
    root         (hd1,8)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Buffalo @ hdc10
    root         (hd1,9)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Cento 4.1 @ hdc11
    root         (hd1,10)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Vector 4.3 @ hdc12
    root         (hd1,11)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Tao Linux 4 @ hdc13
    root         (hd1,12)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Fedora Core 2 @ hdc14
    root         (hd1,13)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Agnula Demudi 1.2 @ hdc15
    root         (hd1,14)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Damn Small Linux 2.1 @ hdc16
    root         (hd1,15)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Monoppix 1.1.8 @ hdc17
    root         (hd1,16)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Sympony A4 beta @ hdc18
    root         (hd1,17)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Pocket Linux 1.2 @ hdc19
    root         (hd1,18)
    chainloader  +1

    title        UltimaLInux 4.0 @ hdc20
    root         (hd1,19)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Vlos 1.2 @ hdc21
    root         (hd1,20)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Tinny Sofa Ceara @ hdc22
    root         (hd1,21)
    chainloader  +1

    title        64 Studio 0.6 @ hdc23
    root         (hd1,22)
    chainloader  +1

    title        KateOS 2.2 @ hdc24
    root         (hd1,23)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Rubix 1.0 @ hdc25
    root         (hd1,24)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Sam 2006-1 @ hdc26
    root         (hd1,25)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Parsix 0.85 @ hdc27
    root         (hd1,26)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Foxdesktop 1.0 @ hdc28
    root         (hd1,27)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Kanotix 64 2005-4 @ hdc29
    root         (hd1,28)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Pardus 1.0 @ hdc30
    root         (hd1,29)
    chainloader  +1

    title        rPath 0.99.2 @ hdc31
    root         (hd1,30)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Stx 1.0 rc2 @ hdc32
    root         (hd1,31)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Stux 0.9.2 @ hdc33
    root         (hd1,32)
    chainloader  +1

    title        StartCom 4.0.4 Raam @ hdc34
    root         (hd1,33)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Slackware 10.2 @ hdc35
    root         (hd1,34)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Foresight 0.9 @ hdc36
    root         (hd1,35)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Xandros 3.0 @ hdc37
    root         (hd1,36)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Ubuntu 5.10 @ hdc38
    root         (hd1,37)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Kubuntu Dapper @ hdc39
    root         (hd1,38)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Gentoo 2006.1 @ hdc40
    root         (hd1,39)
    chainloader  +1

    title        LinuxTLE 8.0 @ hdc41
    root         (hd1,40)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Underground 2.2 @ hdc42
    root         (hd1,41)
    chainloader  +1

    title        DreamLinux 2.1 @ hdc43
    root         (hd1,42)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Linux Mint 2.1 @ hdc44
    root         (hd1,43)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Pioneer 1125 @ hdc45
    root         (hd1,44)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Ubuntu 7.04 @ hdc46
    root         (hd1,45)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Bayanihan 4 @ hdc47
    root         (hd1,46)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Mandriva 2007 @ hdc48
    root         (hd1,47)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Freespire 1.1.73 @ hdc49
    root         (hd1,48)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Caixa Majica 11 @ hdc50
    root         (hd1,49)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Ehad 2006 classic @ hdc51
    root         (hd1,50)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Vlos 1.3 @ hdc52
    root         (hd1,51)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Backtrack 2006-2 @ hdc53
    root         (hd1,52)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Ubuntu 6.06 @ hdc54
    root         (hd1,53)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Blag 30002 @ hdc55
    root         (hd1,54)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Fedora Core 5 @ hdc56
    root         (hd1,55)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Suse 9.1 Professional @ hdc57
    root         (hd1,56)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Vine 4.0 @ hdc58
    root         (hd1,57)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Wolvix 1.0.5 @ hdc59
    root         (hd1,58)
    chainloader  +1

    #Starting point of another hard disk----------------------------

    title        XP Pro @ sda1
    root         (hd2,0)
    hide         (hd0,0)
    hide         (hd0,1)
    hide         (hd0,2)
    hide         (hd1,0)
    hide         (hd1,1)
    hide         (hd1,2)
    unhide       (hd2,0)
    map          (hd2)       (hd0)
    map          (hd0)       (hd2)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Xenoppix 3.03 @ sda2
    root         (hd2,1)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Musix 0.39 @ sda3
    root         (hd2,2)
    chainloader  +1

    #sda4 is the extended partition

    title        GeoLivre 5 @ sda5
    root         (hd2,4)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Ututu x2 2005.1 @ sda6
    root         (hd2,5)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Helix 1.7 @ sda7
    root         (hd2,6)
    chainloader  +1

    title        MagicLinux 2 rc2 @ sda8
    root         (hd2,7)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Zenwalk 1.2 @ sda9
    root         (hd2,8)
    chainloader  +1

    title        MedianLinux  4.0 @ sda10
    root         (hd2,9)
    chainloader  +1

    title        NetBSD i386 3.0  @ sda11
    root         (hd2,10)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Arabian 0.6 rc1 @ sda12
    root         (hd2,11)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Mepis 3.3.2 @ sda13
    root         (hd2,12)
    chainloader  +1

    #sda14 is Fat32 partition holding personal data

    title        Slamd64 11 @ sda15
    root         (hd2,14)
    chainloader  +1

    #Starting point of another hard disk----------------------------

    title        Win 2k @ sdb1
    root         (hd3,0)
    hide         (hd0,0)
    hide         (hd0,1)
    hide         (hd0,2)
    hide         (hd1,0)
    hide         (hd1,1)
    hide         (hd1,2)
    hide         (hd2,0)
    unhide       (hd3,0)
    hide         (hd3,1)
    map          (hd3)       (hd0)
    map          (hd0)       (hd3)
    chainloader  +1

    title        FreeDos @ sdb2
    root         (hd3,1)
    hide         (hd0,0)
    hide         (hd0,1)
    hide         (hd0,2)
    hide         (hd1,0)
    hide         (hd1,1)
    hide         (hd1,2)
    hide         (hd2,0)
    hide         (hd3,0)
    unhide       (hd3,1)
    map          (hd3)       (hd0)
    map          (hd0)       (hd3)
    chainloader  +1

    title        System Rescue CD 2.1.6 @ sdb3
    root         (hd3,2)
    chainloader  +1

    #sdb4 is the extended partition

    title        Xfld 2.0 @ sdb5
    root         (hd3,4)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Kanotix 2006-1 @ sdb6
    root         (hd3,5)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Paipix 5.00 2006-3 @ sdb7
    root         (hd3,6)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Frugalware 0.4 @ sdb8
    root         (hd3,7)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Sabayon x86_64 3.0 @ sdb9
    root         (hd3,8)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Quantian @ sdb10
    root         (hd3,9)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Suse 10.1 x86 64 @ sdb11
    root         (hd3,10)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Slackware 11 @ sdb12
    root         (hd3,11)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Knoppix 4.0.2 @ sdb13
    root         (hd3,12)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Mandriva 2006 0.4 @ sdb14
    root         (hd3,13)
    chainloader  +1

    title        Fedora Core 6 @ sdb15
    root         (hd3,14)
    chainloader  +1

    I know I know this page is boring unless you are interested in the details. So how about these statistics

    disros Country
    2 Argentina
    1 Asia
    4 Australia
    1 Austria
    1 Belgium
    4 Brazil
    1 Bulgaria
    5 Canada
    3 China
    2 Czech
    2 Europe
    7 France
    14 Germany
    3 Global
    1 Hungary
    1 India
    2 Iran
    1 Ireland
    5 Isle of Man
    3 Israel
    5 Italy
    5 Japan
    1 Nepal
    2 Netherland
    1 New Zealand
    4 Norway
    1 Philippines
    2 Poland
    2 Portugal
    2 Puerto Rico
    1 S Korea
    1 Sweden
    2 Switzerland
    1 Syria
    1 Taiwan
    1 Thailand
    1 Turkey
    5 UK
    44 USA
    145 Total

    39 countries are contributing the operating systems.

    The 3 Dos are Dos 6.22, Dos 7.1 and Freedos.

    The 5 Windows are Win 3.11, Win98, Win2k, XP home and Vista

    There are 114 unique systems as 17 of then have more two versions, 3 of them have 3 different versions and 2 have 5 versions. For example I have kept Fedora core for ver. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

    I only paid for all the MS systems except the free downloadable experimental Vista. All Linux are free downable systems.

    A Linux can be freely downloadable from many Internet sites as an iso file that can be burn into a bootable CD. Once the CD booted up a user can follow the instruction to install the system as quickly as 10 to 12 minutes.

    Many Linux distros also produce Live CD with which a user can have a full operating system without being installed into a hard disk.
    [이 게시물은 멀티님에 의해 2008-08-14 11:25:14 토크박스 - 자유게시판/가입인사에서 이동 됨]

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    김태용 작성일 : 04-12 / 조회 : 11049

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    중국의 역사 : 삼국시대 ~ 송나라

    ####최근에 사용하게 된 기어렉스 GR-7400B 키보드로 타이핑 연습일자형 엔터키와 긴 백스페이스가 장착되어있지만 키압이 높아서 타이핑시에손목이 아프다. 조금만 더 키압이 낮으면 사용하겠지만, 지금으로서는 …
    김태용 작성일 : 04-10 / 조회 : 10461

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    [조조의 손자주 서문]

    [조조의 손자주 서문]조조병법 - 조조 풀고 유동환 지음나 조조는 이런 말을 들었다.아주 먼 옛날에는 활과 화살이라는 날카로운 무기로 하늘 아래 온 세상을 바로잡았다 한다.그리고 공자의 말씀집인 논어, 안연…
    김태용 작성일 : 04-05 / 조회 : 10391
    최근에 사용하게된 키보드와 마우스(GR-7400B V 2.0, Microsoft SideWinder X3)

    0. 기어렉스 펜타그래프 키보드 - GR-7400B V 2.0본사가 대구에 있네요.기존 아이락스 키보드보다는 키감이 조금 깊다. 즉, 기존 펜타보다는 조금 깊이 눌러야 하며, 힘도 많이 들어간다.아범 노트북 키보드 느낌은 조…
    김태용 작성일 : 01-17 / 조회 : 18564
    Linux-Windows NFS(Network File System) 사용기 (1)

    리눅스컴에서 돌아가고 있는 NFS 서비스를 윈도우즈에서 사용해보려고 한다.삼바를 사용해도 되지만, 왠지 NFS를 사용해 보고픈.. 그런거 있잖아요. ^^먼저 리눅스에서 nfs 서버를 설치하고[root@centos ~]# rpm -qa|grep nfsn…
    김태용 작성일 : 07-31 / 조회 : 11469
    안드로이드폰 이자르로 즐기는 트위터와 페이스북 (1)

    김태용 작성일 : 07-20 / 조회 : 9841
    버킹엄 궁전 교대식

    김태용 작성일 : 07-20 / 조회 : 9717
    말레이시아 쿠알라룸푸르, 런던 ~

    쿠알라룸푸르 가게의 신라면 김치찌게 삼양라면 ㅋㅋ런던 공항 도착 - 빨간색의 버스..공항에서의 콜라 자판기 - 콜라 가격..런던 지하철 교통카드 오이스터(oyster)런던 외곽 시민 거주지 풍경지하철 Northern line
    김태용 작성일 : 06-24 / 조회 : 8784

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    영국 유람 간다. (6월 26일 ~ 7월 8일) 2주 일정 (1)

    정말 오랜만에 해외로 나가본다.1997년 LG전자 근무시 해외연수로인도네시아에 한번 다녀온 이후로 두번째 해외 유람이다.다니는 곳곳 사진도 찍고 글도 적어볼 예정이다.ㅋㅋ기대하시라 ~
    김태용 작성일 : 05-02 / 조회 : 10388
    오늘 대구 월드컵 경기장/망우공원에서 찍은 사진. ㅋㅋ (1)

    ㅋㅋ[대구 월드컵 경기장][대구 망우공원]
    김태용 작성일 : 04-28 / 조회 : 9928
    무선 마우스를 사용하다.

    드디어 무선 마우스를 사용하게 되었다.기존 유선 마우스의 선이 짧아 불편해서 무선 마우스를 사용하기로 함.감도도 어느정도 괜찮은듯 하고 성능 대비 가격은 이정도면 충분하겠다.
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    [게시판 맨위로]
    한국LUG는 대한민국의 리눅스 지식인[사용자/개발자]들의 커뮤니티입니다. [매년 1~2회의 공개세미나 개최]
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    "Linux" is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. "Linux is Kernel"
    - 리눅스는 공짜가 아니라 자유[Free & Effort]입니다 -
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    데스크탑 프로그래밍(gcc, g++, wxGTK[wxWidgets] 등)은 "Fedora"를 사용하고, 서버 운영(WEB, FTP 등)은 "CentOS"를 사용하시길 권장합니다.
    도전하는자, 자신을 투자하는자만이 뜻하는바를 이룰 수 있다.
    Information should be Exchanged with Interactive, not One Way Direction.
    준회원, 정회원, 우수회원, VIP회원, 기업회원, 관리자
    Be Maker!
    인생에서, 100% 순이익을 보장하는건 없다. 1%의 지식을 나눔으로써, 가끔씩 손해볼 필요도 있다.
    그대가 가진 1%의 지식만이라도 공공을 위해 포스팅하라. 손해본다는 생각이 앞선다면 그대의 인생은 힘들어질것이다.
    자신이 가진 지식의 1%도 투자하지 않고, 오로지 자신의 이익만 탐하는자와는 동지가 되지마라.
    만나서 대화하면 모두 좋은 사람들이지만, 유독 인터넷에서만 자신을 밝히지 않고, 좀비로 서식하는 사람들이 많다.
    부지불식간[不知不識間], 좀비(하류) 인생이 될지도 모르니, 항상 자신을 경계하도록 하라.
    [도서 안내]
    1. CentOS Linux
    2. gcc로 공부하는 C++
    베스트셀러 입성^^

    3. 쉘 스크립트 입문
    4. JSP 입문

    아래 배너들은 LUG 세미나 모임에 도움을 주신(실) 멋진 기업들입니다. ^^