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IMAP, or Internet Message Access Protocol, lets you download messages from Gmail's servers onto your computer so you can access your mail with a program like Microsoft Outlook Express or Apple Mail, even when you aren't connected to the Internet.
IMAP creates a constant connection between mail clients (desktop and/or mobile) and Gmail.
What's the difference between IMAP and POP?
Unlike POP, IMAP offers two-way communication between your web Gmail and your email client(s). This means when you log in to Gmail using a web browser, actions you perform on email clients and mobile devices (ex: putting mail in a 'work' folder) will instantly and automatically appear in Gmail (ex: it will already have a 'work' label on that email).
In addition, IMAP provides a better method to access your mail from multiple devices. If you check your email at work, on your mobile phone, and again at home, IMAP ensures that new mail is accessible from any device at any given time.
Finally, IMAP offers a more stable experience overall. Whereas POP is prone to losing messages or downloading the same messages multiple times, IMAP avoids this through its two-way syncing capabilities between your mail clients and your web Gmail.
If you're trying to decide between using POP and using IMAP with your Gmail account, we recommend IMAP.
How much does IMAP cost?
IMAP for Gmail is free.
Great! How do I get started?
First, you'll need to enable IMAP in your Gmail account. Once IMAP is enabled, follow the configuration instructions for your client of choice. Currently, only the clients listed are supported for IMAP. If you'd like to download your Gmail messages with a different client, please check to see if it's on our list of supported POP clients.
When you've enabled IMAP and set up your client, sign in to Gmail through the client and watch your messages arrive. You'll notice that all of your custom Gmail labels will appear in your client as folders, with copies of the messages to which you've applied those labels. While we'd like to make your IMAP experience match the Gmail web interface as much as possible, some Gmail-specific features and terms, such as conversation threading and stars, won't appear in your client. Don't worry; you can still perform all the usual Gmail functions, just in a slightly different way. The IMAP behavior chart shows you how to perform common functions on your IMAP client.
Please note that every client handles IMAP in a slightly different way. If you're curious about the specific use of your client, please contact the client's support team.
Where can I learn more?
Explore these topics for more information about the basic features of chat in Gmail:
What happens when I delete a message?
Will IMAP download all my mail?
Why aren't my messages threaded?
What are these new labels in my web Gmail?
How is spam handled?
Why don't all my views and labels appear?
[이 게시물은 멀티님에 의해 2008-08-14 11:25:14 토크박스 - 자유게시판/가입인사에서 이동 됨]
* 2007년 *
1. CentOS 리눅스 구축관리실무 집필
2007년 12월 출판 - 출판사 : (주)수퍼유저코리아 * 2009년 *
2. 김태용의 C++ 기초 입문 :: gcc로 공부하는 C++와 wxWidgets GUI 집필
2009년 03월 출판 - 출판사: (주)수퍼유저코리아
3. 김태용의 리눅스 쉘 스크립트 프로그래밍 입문 집필
2009년 9월 출판 - 출판사: 제이펍 * 2011년 *
4. 김태용의 JSP 웹 프로그래밍 입문
2011년 1월 출판 - 출판사: 제이펍
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Information should be Exchanged with Interactive, not One Way Direction. 준회원,
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인생에서, 100% 순이익을 보장하는건 없다. 1%의 지식을 나눔으로써, 가끔씩 손해볼 필요도 있다.
그대가 가진 1%의 지식만이라도 공공을 위해 포스팅하라. 손해본다는 생각이 앞선다면 그대의 인생은 힘들어질것이다.
자신이 가진 지식의 1%도 투자하지 않고, 오로지 자신의 이익만 탐하는자와는 동지가 되지마라.
만나서 대화하면 모두 좋은 사람들이지만, 유독 인터넷에서만 자신을 밝히지 않고, 좀비로 서식하는 사람들이 많다.
부지불식간[不知不識間], 좀비(하류) 인생이 될지도 모르니, 항상 자신을 경계하도록 하라.
[도서 안내]
1. CentOS Linux
2. gcc로 공부하는 C++
베스트셀러 입성^^