PHP Manual

실행시 설정

이 함수의 작동은 php.ini 설정에 영향을 받습니다.

Memcache Configuration Options
Name Default Changeable Changelog
memcache.allow_failover "1" PHP_INI_ALL Available since memcache 2.0.2.
memcache.max_failover_attempts "20" PHP_INI_ALL Available since memcache 2.1.0.
memcache.chunk_size "8192" PHP_INI_ALL Available since memcache 2.0.2.
memcache.default_port "11211" PHP_INI_ALL Available since memcache 2.0.2.
memcache.hash_strategy "standard" PHP_INI_ALL Available since memcache 2.2.0.
memcache.hash_function "crc32" PHP_INI_ALL Available since memcache 2.2.0.
session.save_handler "files" PHP_INI_ALL Supported since memcache 2.1.2
session.save_path "" PHP_INI_ALL Supported since memcache 2.1.2

PHP_INI_* 모드에 대한 상세와 정의는 환경 설정을 바꿀 수 있는 곳를 참고하십시오.

위 설정 지시어에 대한 간단한 설명입니다.

memcache.allow_failover boolean

Whether to transparently failover to other servers on errors.

memcache.max_failover_attempts integer

Defines how many servers to try when setting and getting data. Used only in conjunction with memcache.allow_failover.

memcache.chunk_size integer

Data will be transferred in chunks of this size, setting the value lower requires more network writes. Try increasing this value to 32768 if noticing otherwise inexplicable slowdowns.

memcache.default_port string

The default TCP port number to use when connecting to the memcached server if no other port is specified.

memcache.hash_strategy string

Controls which strategy to use when mapping keys to servers. Set this value to consistent to enable consistent hashing which allows servers to be added or removed from the pool without causing keys to be remapped. Setting this value to standard results in the old strategy being used.

memcache.hash_function string

Controls which hash function to apply when mapping keys to servers, crc32 uses the standard CRC32 hash while fnv uses FNV-1a.

session.save_handler string

Use memcache as a session handler by setting this value to memcache.

session.save_path string

Defines a comma separated of server urls to use for session storage, for example "tcp://host1:11211, tcp://host2:11211".

Each url may contain parameters which are applied to that server, they are the same as for the Memcache::addServer() method. For example "tcp://host1:11211?persistent=1&weight=1&timeout=1&retry_interval=15"

PHP Manual