Chapter 7. Custom Configuration and Administration Issues

Table of Contents
Web Server and HTTP Caching Proxy Administration
Domain Name Server (DNS) Configuration and Administration
Internet User Authentication with TACACS
Windows-style File and Print Services with Samba
Macintosh-style File and Print Services with Netatalk
Network File System (NFS) Services
Configuration from A-Z with Linuxconf

For both personal use as well as at work, I was able to start with a standard installation of the Red Hat Linux distribution and provide services “out-of-the-box” with little or no changes to default configuration settings.

However, there were a number of small changes and extra services that were necessary to provide all the Internet, file & print services, and other services that are in use at my place of employment. The local administrator should be aware of the following:

Web Server and HTTP Caching Proxy Administration



  1. Create an Internet user as per normal. The “shell” account should be ``/bin/bash'' (as FTP requires a valid shell).

  2. ``cd /home ; chown root.root theuser'' This makes “theuser”'s directory belong to root, for security reasons.

  3. ``cd /home/theuser ; mkdir www ; chown theuser.theuser'' This creates their “www” directory, and sets ownership so they can read/write to it.

  4. ``echo "exit" > .profile'' This creates a ``.profile'' file with the single line ``exit'' in it. If the user tries to log in via telnet, they will get disconnected immediately.

  5. Do an ``ls -l'' and make sure there are only 2 files in the directory (not including ``..'' and ``.''):

    • .profile (owned by root.root)

    • www (owned by theuser.theuser)

    All other files can be deleted (eg. ``rm .less ; rm .lessrc'')

  6. If the user needs to have e-mail forwarding enabled you could create a .forward file which simply has the proper e-mail as the first and only line in the file.

That's it. The user can use FTP to update the pages.