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PHP Manual

OmniHTTPd Server

This section contains notes and hints specific to » OmniHTTPd on Windows.

Note: You should read the manual installation steps first!


CGI 설정을 사용할 때, 서버가 여러 공격에 노출됩니다. 그러한 공격을 막기 위해 CGI 보안 섹션을 읽어보십시오.

You need to complete the following steps to make PHP work with OmniHTTPd. This is a CGI executable setup. SAPI is supported by OmniHTTPd, but some tests have shown that it is not so stable to use PHP as an ISAPI module.

Note: Important for CGI users
Read the faq on cgi.force_redirect for important details. This directive needs to be set to 0.

  1. Install OmniHTTPd server.

  2. Right click on the blue OmniHTTPd icon in the system tray and select Properties

  3. Click on Web Server Global Settings

  4. On the 'External' tab, enter: virtual = .php | actual = c:\php\php.exe (use php-cgi.exe if installing PHP 5), and use the Add button.

  5. On the Mime tab, enter: virtual = wwwserver/stdcgi | actual = .php, and use the Add button.

  6. Click OK

Repeat steps 2 - 6 for each extension you want to associate with PHP.

Note: Some OmniHTTPd packages come with built in PHP support. You can choose at setup time to do a custom setup, and uncheck the PHP component. We recommend you to use the latest PHP binaries. Some OmniHTTPd servers come with PHP 4 beta distributions, so you should choose not to set up the built in support, but install your own. If the server is already on your machine, use the Replace button in Step 4 and 5 to set the new, correct information.

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PHP Manual