(PHP 5, PECL oci8 >= 1.1.0)
oci_fetch_all — Fetches all rows of result data into an array
Fetches all the rows from a result into a user-defined array.
oci8 드라이버에서 수행하는 자료형 매핑에 대한 상세는 드라이버가 지원하는 자료형을 참고하십시오.
A valid OCI statement identifier.
Note: 이 함수는 NULL 필드를 PHP NULL 값으로 설정합니다.
The number of initial rows to ignore when fetching the result (default value of 0, to start at the first line).
The number of rows to read, starting at the skip th row (default to -1, meaning all the rows).
Parameter flags can be any combination of the following:
Returns the number of rows fetched or FALSE in case of an error.
Example #1 oci_fetch_all() example
/* oci_fetch_all example mbritton at verinet dot com (990624) */
$conn = oci_connect("scott", "tiger");
$stmt = oci_parse($conn, "select * from emp");
$nrows = oci_fetch_all($stmt, $results);
if ($nrows > 0) {
echo "<table border=\"1\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
foreach ($results as $key => $val) {
echo "<th>$key</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) {
echo "<tr>\n";
foreach ($results as $data) {
echo "<td>$data[$i]</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
} else {
echo "No data found<br />\n";
echo "$nrows Records Selected<br />\n";
Note: In PHP versions before 5.0.0 you must use ocifetchstatement() instead. This name still can be used, it was left as alias of oci_fetch_all() for downwards compatability. This, however, is deprecated and not recommended.