A.40. Vim

A.40.1. Contents

The Vim package contains the ctags, etags, ex, gview, gvim, rgview, rgvim, rview, rvim, view, vim, vimtutor and xxd programs.

A.40.2. Description

A.40.2.1. ctags

ctags generate tag files for source code.

A.40.2.2. etags

etags does the same as ctags but it can generate cross reference files which list information about the various source objects found in a set of lanugage files.

A.40.2.3. ex

ex starts vim in Ex mode.

A.40.2.4. gview

gview is the GUI version of view.

A.40.2.5. gvim

gvim is the GUI version of vim.

A.40.2.6. rgview

rgview is teh GUI version of rview.

A.40.2.7. rgvim

rgvim is the GUI version of rvim.

A.40.2.8. rview

rview is a restricted version of view. No shell commands can be started and Vim can't be suspended.

A.40.2.9. rvim

rvim is the restricted version of vim. No shell commands can be started and Vim can't be suspended.

A.40.2.10. view

view starts vim in read-only mode.

A.40.2.11. vim

vim starts vim in the normal, default way.

A.40.2.12. vimtutor

vimtutor starts the Vim tutor.

A.40.2.13. xxd

xxd makes a hexdump or does the reverse.