Legal Notice

UNIX is a trademark of Univel.
Linux is not a trademark, and has no connection to UNIX�� or Univel.

Copyright �� 1994 Olaf Kirch
Kattreinstr. 38, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany

"The Linux Network Administrators' Guide" may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part, subject to the following conditions:

  1. The copyright notice above and this permission notice musst be preserved complete on all complete or partial copies.

  2. Any translation or derivative work of "The Linux Network Administrators' Guide" must be approved by the author in writing before distribution.

  3. If you distribute "The Linux Network Administrators' Guide" in part, instructions for obtaining the complete version of "The Linux Network Administrator's Guide" must be included, and a meas for obtaining a complete version provieded.

  4. Small protions may be reproduced as illustrations for reviews or quotes in other works without this permission notice if proper citation is given.

  5. If you print and distribuet "The Linux Network Administrator's Guide", you may not refer to it as the "Official Printed Version".

  6. The GNU General Public License referenced below may be reproduced under the conditions given within it.

  7. Several Sections of this document are held under separate copyright. When these sections are comvered by a different copyright, the seperate copyright is noted. if you distribute "The Linux Network Administrator's Guide" in part, and that part is, in whole, covered under a seperate, noted copyright, the conditions of that copyright apply.

Exceptions to these rules may be granded for academic purposes: Write to Olaf Kirch at the above address, or email,and ask. These restrictions are here to protect us as authors, not to restrict you as educators and learners.

All soruce code in "The Linux Network Administrators' Guide" is placed under th GNU General Public License. See appendix C for a copy of the GNU "GPL."
The author is not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of information proviede in this document.

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Copyright �� 1998-2000 Chang Yun-sig

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  2. ������ ��밡 �� `netguide.dvi'������ �μ������ ������ ���̳�, ������ ���ǿ� �䱸�� html�������� ��ȯ�Ͽ����ϴ�. �׸��� �������� ���� �Ǹ� ��ȭ�� ������ �׸����Ͽ� ���� �Ǹ��� ��� ���ڿ��� �����Ƿ� �� ������ �� �����̿��� �뵵�� ����, �Ǵ� ����� ���մϴ�.

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